Entering Hollis Township street sign

We hope these pages will help you understand and appreciate the township form of government and will give you information on our local township office.Township government was established in 1636 and is the oldest form of government continuing to serve in North America. Hollis Township was formed in 1850 and has been continuously serving this area for more than 150 years.

A unique aspect of townships involves the annual town meeting. It is held in the spring and is a valuable way for citizens to have a direct voice and vote in local government.

In general, the duties of the township fall into three distinct categories:

  • Road and bridge maintenance. Townships maintain more than half of Illinois' total road miles.
  • Property assessment. Townships set property values for all local properties, including both residential and commercial. Exemptions are available for occupied properties; see Do You Qualify for more information.
  • General assistance. This may include food, shelter or emergency relief for people in need until they can become self supporting.

Posted April, 2024: A new "Community" section has been added to the main menu, for notices relevant to township residents.